Displaying the Connected Account for Microsoft Graph on the Terminal prompt

Use a new provider in the Magic Tooltips module to display the connected Microsoft Graph account on the prompt in Windows Terminal....

Understanding Azure Storage data access permissions

I stumbled a bit today when trying to access a blob in Azure Storage. I made an assumption about the permissions granted to my organizational account....

Use a CLI to get an access token for your AAD Protected Web API

You have an application registration in your tenant that represents the Web API to secure. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/scenario-protected-web-api-overview During development,...

M365 Dev Podcast - Azure Functions and SharePoint with Rob Windsor

Rob Windsor joins Paul to talk about using Azure Functions to extend applications and Rob's tips & tricks for being successful. https://m365dev.link/...

M365 Dev Podcast - How to Setup CI/CD for SPFx with Corey Roth

Corey Roth joins Jeremy and Paul to talk about using Azure DevOps as part of creating SPFx solutions. https://m365dev.link/e176...

M365 Dev Podcast - Azure Configuration Service w/Tobias Zimmergren

Tobias Zimmergren chats with Paul about the new Azure Configuration service and how he uses it with Managed Identity, Containers and many different web applications. https:...

Microsoft 365 Dev Podcast - Ep 135

PowerApps for full-time devs & Microsoft Graph enabling them In this episode recorded on June 29th 2018, Jeremy Thake talks to Casey Burke and Audrey Gordon...

Keep Credentials Secure using Azure Managed Service Identity

Microsoft has announced the General Availability for Managed Service Identity (MSI) for App Service and Azure Functions [https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/appserviceteam/2018/06/26/...

Office Dev - Community Calls

New on the Office Developer site is a series of community calls for Office 365 developers to stay in sync with us on a variety of...

Azure AD - Office Hours for Developers

The Microsoft Identity team is excited to announce Office Hours for Developers where we delve into your top-of-mind questions about identity and development with Azure AD....

ADAL.Net 3.17.0 release

Microsoft has published an update to the Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) [https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/adal-net-3-17-0-released-2/]. Notable enhancements: * Retry-After property when receiving a...

Azure AD: Managed Service Identity preview

Here is a great reason to host your cloud services in Azure: Managed Service Identities [https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/keep-credentials-out-of-code-introducing-azure-ad-managed-service-identity/] Instead of calling the...

Updated Azure AD Login screen is coming

As you may have noticed, the login experience for Micrsooft Accounts (MSA) has changed over the last few weeks. This change is coming to Azure AD!...

Azure AD B2B AMA

> This time we’re focusing on a specific topic, how to use Azure AD to easily enable cross-company, cloud based collaboration. Are you looking for...

Add the AAD Portal to Office 365 App Launcher

When administering Office 365, the left navigation pane contains a link to the Azure Portal. This is quite convenient for bouncing around the various sites. However,...