The following are articles written by Paul Schaeflein covering various aspects of SharePoint and Office 365.
- Connecting the Clouds -- Using Cloud Services to Automate a Business Process
- Content Organizer Link Web Part
- Enhanced BooleanField control for SharePoint publishing
- Exploring the Office 365 Groups API
- Impersonation and Elevation of Privilege
- Minifying JavaScript Files with Build Events
- Navigation in SharePoint (DIWUG eMagazine #11)
- Reading the SharePoint change log from CSOM
- Setting Workflow Status in Visual Studio and SharePoint Designer
- SharePoint 2013 REST and WCF Data Services
- SharePoint People Picker in Claims-mode Web Applications
- SharePoint System Notifications
- Sharing Content in SharePoint Online
- Using Application Insights and Performance Monitor to Troubleshoot Environment Errors
- Using Azure Search for a blog on
- What's New in Visual Studio 2012 for SharePoint 2010 (DIWUG eMagazine #9)