Resources - NOVA365 User Group - Dec 2020

Resources from the NoVa User group presentation on Dec 17, 2020...

M365 Dev Podcast - Configuration as Code and DevOps for Office 365 with Nik Charlebois

Nik Charlebois joins Jeremy and Paul to talk about using Desired State Configuration (DSC) to help organizations implement Office 365 configuration as code.

M365 Dev Podcast - Office 365 CLI with Waldek Mastykarz

Paul talks with Waldek Mastykarz about the Office 365 CLI, going deep on how to use it and how it is built.

M365 Dev Podcast - Discussing Microsoft 365 provisioning scenarios with Laura Kokkarinen

Paul and Jeremy talk to Laura Kokkarinen about Microsoft 365 development. Laura talks about her experiences focusing on building provisioning solutions for her customers. https://m365dev....

New Habits Podcast - Teams Adoption with Karuana Gatimu

The New Habits podcast panel is joined by Karuana Gatimu to discuss adoption of Microsoft Teams and Office 365.

New and Improved Developer Tenants for Office 365

This month, the Office Developer program has launched an update to their subscription program....

Live!360 Conference 2018 - Resources

Smart UI with Adaptive Cards GitHub: OneDrive Developer center: Adaptive Cards:

Speaking Engagements - Fall 2018

After a hiatus, I am preparing to get back "on the circuit" with a few speaking engagements in the latter part of 2018. I...

2018 Global Office 365 Developer Bootcamp

Following the success of last year, Global Office 365 Developer Bootcamp now becomes an annual event. It is a free, one-day, hands-on training event led by...

Getting the benefits of Dev/Test/Prod environments with List-Based PowerApps

Immovable object meets irresistible force. In other words, business requirements meet IT Department policies. I want to discuss this law of technology in the context of custom SharePoint list forms using PowerApps....

Change the Display Name of a Message sender when using Microsoft Graph

There are scenarios in which an application sends an email with the requirement that the sender name be something different than what is configured in Exchange....

Filter using Enum values in OData V4

To get all the products that are in Green color, we can send a request like: “/svc/Products?$filter=PackageColor eq Namespace.Color’Green’”...

Office Dev - Community Calls

New on the Office Developer site is a series of community calls for Office 365 developers to stay in sync with us on a variety of...

Office 365 Developer Program Update

Microsoft today posted a blog about an update to the Office 365 Developer Program. The program provides access to training materials, an event calendar, and most importantly, developer tenants!...

Geek out during March Madness with PowerBI

It is the time of year when millions watch college basketball, with one eye on their computer screen to see how their bracket is doing. As...