.Net @ Noon - Resources
Resources from the .Net @ Noon presentations in February 2021...
Resources from the .Net @ Noon presentations in February 2021...
Resources from the NoVa User group presentation on Dec 17, 2020...
Office Developer Training Content [https://github.com/OfficeDev/TrainingContent] Office Developer Center [https://dev.office.com] Microsoft Teams Developer Center [https://aka.ms/teamsdev] Yeoman Generator...
On July 16, I will be presenting at the DFW SharePoint & Office 365 UG [https://dfwsharepoint.com/]. This is one of the best run groups...
Sample/Demo code [https://github.com/wictorwilen/ECS19-msteamsdev-powerclass] Office Developer Training Content [https://github.com/OfficeDev/TrainingContent] Office Developer Center [https://dev.office.com] Microsoft Teams...
I'm delighted to be speaking at the SharePoint Conference in Las Vegas in May 2019! At the conference, held May 21-23 at the MGM...
Smart UI with Adaptive Cards GitHub: https://github.com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-training-smartui-components OneDrive Developer center: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer Adaptive Cards: https://adaptivecards.io...
After a hiatus, I am preparing to get back "on the circuit" with a few speaking engagements in the latter part of 2018. I...
A recap of all podcast episodes recorded at SPC18 in May 2018...
I am excited to be coming to Nashville during the first weekend of May! I'll be presenting at two events, covering Microsoft Teams and...
"SPCNA is where Microsoft will unveil their latest vision and innovations across SharePoint, OneDrive and Office 365 to help you create a more connected workplace....
I am delighted to announce that I will be presenting at the SharePoint Conference North America [https://www.sharepointna.com/] in Las Vegas on May 21-23...
Want to see how Flow combined with a custom web service can help your users? Come to a webinar showing a real-life solution leveraging Microsoft Flow...
Microsoft Teams is not just about chatting. Not a "Slack killer" -- rather it is a collaboration platform that developers can use to help...
I am very excited to be speaking once again at the Live! 360 conference in Orlando, November 12-17. This event is one of my favorites, bringing...