Microsoft Whitepaper: Your Guide to DevOps

Microsoft has published a whitepaper titled "Your Guide to DevOps." Billed as guide for developers and IT Pros, it covers process, techniques and tools...

Office 365 Groups Explorer, now updated with Connectors

A while back, I submitted a sample to the Office Dev PnP repo [] that exercised...

Git Command Line color settings

Posted here for convenience: git config --global color.branch.remote "red bold" git config --global color.status.untracked "red bold" git config...

Using ASP.NET vNext Authorition policy scheme on MVC 5

In ASP.NET MVC, individual controller/actions can be protected by decorating the class/method with the System.Web.Mvc.Authorize attribute. The attribute provides for...

Debugging TypeScript in the browser

A while back, I was chatting with Marc Anderson [] about TypeScript. Neither of us had used it yet and we had a discussion...

Unity Connect Online sessions

I was thrilled by the large turnout in my sessions for UnityConnect online! Thanks to all those who attended. The recording and materials for the session...

Article: Using Azure Search for a blog hosted on Ghost

My new blog platform was missing the capability to search posts/articles. So I used Azure to fix it. Read the full article [https://www.schaeflein....

Extending Application Insights monitoring to include Performance Counters

I previously posted about using AppInsights to help troubleshoot an issue [] . I wanted to post a follow-up to show...

New Article: Using Application Insights and Performance Monitor to Troubleshoot Environment Errors

I published a new article today, discussing an exercise I had last week in troubleshooting errors in a web application. The document covers a few of...

New Article: What's New in Visual Studio 2012 for SharePoint 2010

This morning, the Dutch Information Worker User Group (DIWUG) published their ninth e-Magazine [], which includes an article of...

Quirk in ASP.Net CheckBox class

I am writing a lot of javascript lately, and I ran into a quirk in the ASP.Net framework that caused a bit of frustration. Let’...