Understanding Azure Storage data access permissions
I stumbled a bit today when trying to access a blob in Azure Storage. I made an assumption about the permissions granted to my organizational account....
I stumbled a bit today when trying to access a blob in Azure Storage. I made an assumption about the permissions granted to my organizational account....
You have an application registration in your tenant that represents the Web API to secure. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/scenario-protected-web-api-overview During development,...
The OAuth2 working group recently released a draft of the best practices on how to secure applications using OAuth2 and OpenID Connect....
You have this: Run this: Add-Type -path .\Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.dll [Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.EpochTime]::DateTime(1541531797).ToLocalTime() Tuesday, November 6, 2018 1:16:37 PM...
Microsoft has announced the General Availability for Managed Service Identity (MSI) for App Service and Azure Functions [https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/appserviceteam/2018/06/26/...
I previously posted about the logging capabilities in ADALv3 [https://www.schaeflein.net/adal-v3-diagnostic-logging/]. Logging is part of MSAL as well, and works in the same...
The Microsoft Identity team is excited to announce Office Hours for Developers where we delve into your top-of-mind questions about identity and development with Azure AD....
Want to see how Flow combined with a custom web service can help your users? Come to a webinar showing a real-life solution leveraging Microsoft Flow...
Microsoft has published an update to the Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) [https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/adal-net-3-17-0-released-2/]. Notable enhancements: * Retry-After property when receiving a...
Here is a great reason to host your cloud services in Azure: Managed Service Identities [https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/keep-credentials-out-of-code-introducing-azure-ad-managed-service-identity/] Instead of calling the...
After a long period of development, guest access finally arrives for Microsoft Teams! Based on the Azure AD B2B service, the feature will enable many extranet-type...
I do a lot of work in the "Identity" space, but I am for sure not the smartest guy in the room. I have...
As you may have noticed, the login experience for Micrsooft Accounts (MSA) has changed over the last few weeks. This change is coming to Azure AD!...
> This time we’re focusing on a specific topic, how to use Azure AD to easily enable cross-company, cloud based collaboration. Are you looking for...
Microsoft Security Advisory 4033453 Vulnerability in Azure AD Connect Could Allow Elevation of Privilege Published: June 27, 2017 Version: 1.0 Microsoft is releasing this security...