Parsing Date strings in "Short Date" format
This post includes a snippet showing how to parse a string that contains a date in "Short Date Format" instead of a specific date format....
This post includes a snippet showing how to parse a string that contains a date in "Short Date Format" instead of a specific date format....
I've published an update to the MagicTooltips module that adds support for the Microsoft Graph CLI. The CLI is in preview, as is the...
Use a new provider in the Magic Tooltips module to display the connected Microsoft Graph account on the prompt in Windows Terminal....
Resources from the .Net @ Noon presentations in February 2021...
Resources from the NoVa User group presentation on Dec 17, 2020...
> AADSTS7000218: The request body must contain the following parameter: 'client_assertion' or 'client_secret'. I received this error when using a...
I stumbled a bit today when trying to access a blob in Azure Storage. I made an assumption about the permissions granted to my organizational account....
A few weeks back, I was privileged to spend time with Vesa Juvonen [] and Waldek Mastykarz [] on the...
Visual Studio Codespaces [] (and its sibling Github Codespaces []) offers a cloud-hosted, low-friction environment for writing...
Over the last few weeks, I have spent part of each day working on an SPFx project. For me, this is the first time doing so on an extended basis, and I found myself repeating many setup steps before working on code. So I fixed that with automation and wanted to share....
I came across an issue that stems from the way objects behave in JavaScript/TypeScript that is different than the C# behavior. So I thought I...
A description of an SPFx web part built using React Hooks....
This application will use a Key Vault to store the API token and the blob storage connection string. Listed below is a summary of an ARM template that can create the secure infrastructure for the code....
You have an application registration in your tenant that represents the Web API to secure. During development,...
The big announcement from Microsoft is that there is a new fixed-width, developer font as part of Windows Terminal []. (And...